License Agreement

The license agreement (hereinafter — Agreement) is concluded between Legalaxy Limited (hereinafter — Licensor) and User Internet (any individual, individual entrepreneur, legal entity) (hereinafter — User or Licensee) Programs for the computer "AppRaise" (hereinafter - Site). The site is available on the Internet at

Before using the Site, carefully read  the terms of this Agreements. From the moment the User starts using the Site/its individual function, or passed the registration procedure, the Agreement comes into force, a The user is considered to have accepted the terms of the Agreement, and also the terms of all of the documents listed below, in  in full, without any reservations and exceptions.If you do not accept the terms  of this Agreement, you may not use the Site.

By using the Site, the User agrees that the integral parts of this Agreement are the following documents:

These documents (including any of their parts) are subject to change By the copyright holder unilaterally without any special notice, the new edition of the documents comes into force from the moment of their publication, unless otherwise provided by the new editions of the documents.

The Agreement and all relations related to use of the Site shall be subject to application of the law of the Republic of Cyprus and.


E-mail address — email address User specified and confirmed by the User in process registration on the Website in accordance with the established procedure and used to identify the User for the purposes of access to the Site and the functionality of the Software.

User — a visitor to the Site who has registration procedure.

Author - a User who organizes surveys using the site.

Licensor (or Administration) — LEGALAXY LIMITED, registration number No. HE 349968, Stasinou 8, Photos Photiades Business Ctr, Office 402, 1060, Nicosia, Cyprus and having the necessary rights to provide the User the right to use the Site.

Software —computer program(s) functioning based on machine learning technologies and neural networks.

Content —objects posted on the Website, including  design elements, text, graphics, illustrations, videos, scripts, programs and other objects and collections of their 

Personal Account — part of the functionality of the Software, access to to which is provided after registration of the User and entering a personal login and password, which in the future provide access to content Personal office. Entering the correct login and password is considered as an analogue handwritten signature of the User.

1. Agreement Status

The Agreement defines the terms of use of the Site, the rights and obligations of its Users and Administrations. The subject of the Agreement is the provision Administration to the User of a non-exclusive license to use Site on the terms of the Agreement. The license is provided "as is". The Administration does not guarantee the operation of the Site at every single moment in time.

This Agreement may be amended and / or supplemented by the Administration unilaterally without any special notice. The Agreement is a public document. The current version of the Agreement is located on the Internet at

The Site Administration recommends that Users regularly check the terms of the Agreement on the subject of its modification and/or addition. Continued use of the Site By the User after making changes and / or additions to   the Agreement means acceptance and consent of the User with such changes and/or additions.

2. Site Status

2.1. The site is a computer program hosted on the Internet, providing access to information at network address

2.2. All rights to the Site as a whole, to the use of the network address (domain name), belong to the Administration or to third parties. Administration provides access to the Site to all interested parties in according the Agreement and the  the legislation of the Republic of Cyprus.

2.3. The agreement establishes the conditions, in accordance with which the rights on use of information and the results of intellectual activity (including but not limited to literary, musical, audiovisual works and phonograms, works of graphics and design, photographic works, computer programs) as part of separate sections of the Site may belong to Users and other persons who independently created and / or who placed these objects on the Site without the direct participation of the Administration.

2.4. The Administration grants registered Users the right to use The Site for the purpose of organizing interaction between the Administration and the User.

The Administration provides the Authors with the opportunity to conduct surveys based on templates prepared by the Administration or on the basis of questions prepared by the Authors themselves.

2.5. The software is provided on an “as is” basis. The administration does not provide any guarantees regarding error-free and uninterrupted operation of the Software or its individual components and/or functions, compliance of the Software with specific purposes and expectations The user does not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, completeness and timeliness provided with information, and does not provide no other warranties not expressly specified in the Agreement.

2.6. Administration is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use or inability to use Site or Software and/or damage caused to the User and/or third parties persons as a result of the use, non-use or inability to use the Site or the Software or any of its components and/or functions, including including due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Site or the Software, with the exception of cases expressly provided by law.

3. Site Administration

3.1. Appeals, suggestions, claims and other requests of natural and legal persons to the Site Administration associated with the Agreement or the operation of the Site, or Software, as well as requests from authorized government agencies may be sent to the email address

3.2. Nothing in the Agreement grants the User the right to  use of trade name, commercial designation, trademarks, domain names and other distinguishing marks of the Administration. Right to use brand name, commercial designation, trademarks, domain names and other distinctive signs of the Administration can be provided exclusively by  a written agreement with Administration.

4. Registration of the User on Site

4.1. In order to use the Site, the User provides a reliable and complete information about yourself on the questions proposed in Form Registration and in Personal Account, and supports this information  up to date. In the case of providing information not corresponding to reality, or in the case of the Administration has reason to believe that the information provided is incomplete or unreliable, the Administration has the right to block or delete the account and restrict the User in using the functionality of the Site. Administration reserves the right at any time to require confirmation of the data specified during registration, and request, in connection with this, supporting documents, failure to provide which may be equated to providing false information and will have corresponding consequences.

4.2. The user is obliged, at the request of the Administration, to provide documents, confirming the legal status of the User and data provided by the User when registering on the Site. In the case of non-provision or provision incomplete package of requested documents, the Administration has the right to refuse in  registration on the Website or register by other type (type) registration, different from declared by the User during registration.

4.3. By accepting this Agreement by registering on the Website, the User confirms his consent to the processing of his personal data by the Administration, provided during registration, and also placed by the User voluntarily on your personal page. Processing of the User's personal data carried out in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Cyprus in the order shown in "User Personal Data Processing Policy" on the Site.

5. Financial relations

5.1. The conditions and procedure for financial settlements are regulated by separate agreements, concluded between the Administration and Users.

6. Final Provisions

6.1. In the case of doubts regarding the legality of the use of the User Site, the Administration has the right to   any time and   without prior notice Delete, block or forcibly change the user at your own discretion Accounting information of such Users.

6.2. In if there is information about the use of the Account Information of the User (employees of the User) by other users of the Site, the Administration has the right in any time and without prior notice to the User at its own discretion delete, block or forcefully change the Account Information of such Users.